Livorna Estates

Livorna Dolphins Swim Team

The Livorna Swim Team is a spirited, family based swim team committed to providing a well rounded swim experience; balancing community, sportsmanship, and overall enjoyment with high quality instruction, individual skill development, and a competitive team oriented environment. To inquire about registration visit the swim team web site

Coaching mission:

The Livorna Swim Team is committed to developing its members into better swimmers with technically correct strokes, while teaching them team spirit, good sportsmanship, and community camaraderie.

Our mission is about more than just swimming; its about instilling values and skills that will serve team members throughout their lives.  Through their participation on our team, we hope our team members will learn good work habits and see the positive results of their efforts.  We intend to foster the development of useful “life” skills such as: how to deal with adversity, learning how their individual actions can impact a group, sportsmanship, respect, courage, determination, humility, cultivating a sense of personal responsibility, and how to deal with success, failure and their emotions.

Another important element of our team mission is to offer a competitive swim team on which kids of all abilities can have fun and improve their swimming skills.  The challenge is to offer enough competition for the fastest swimmers – to challenge them, retain them on the team – while also offering enough opportunity for the slower swimmers to compete, improve skills, and feel successful.  We believe these goals are not mutually exclusive. For more information click here.

Our Head Coach

Matt Struempf